Scoping study reveals housing struggles of younger people with sight loss

Scoping study reveals housing struggles of younger people with sight loss

Imogen Blood, Imogen Blood and Associates

March 2015

Demand for private rental housing among adults with sight loss is growing, but there are very few services to facilitate the process, according to a scoping study of housing commissioned by the Thomas Pocklington Trust. The research examined housing circumstances, experiences and aspirations for the estimated 88,400 adults (aged 16-44) with sight loss in the UK.

Key Facts:

  • Owner occupation is now beyond the reach of the majority of young adults, and private rental housing is growing.
  • A safe neighbourhood, easy road crossings and transport connections, employment opportunities and amenities are high priorities for younger adults seeking accommodation.
  • Shared accommodation can be problematic as it presents practical and emotional risks.
    Choice-based letting systems present challenges to people with sight loss as they can find it difficult to make a quick decision and bid for a property online.
  • There are very few housing advice services available for younger adults with sight loss who are seeking to move to independent living.

How can this research help?

This research will help in understanding the priorities of younger people with sight loss when looking for housing. Understanding what matters to young people with sight loss will help direct support and guidance into those areas.


Research Findings: Housing and Independent Living – PDF version and Word version.

Full Report: Housing and Independent Living – Word version.

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