Making Friends and Meeting New People at School
Read our guide to making new friends and meeting new people at secondary school, with top tips from our Young Voices volunteers.
Find out more about 'Making Friends and Meeting New People at School'At secondary school you will have the chance to try new sports and activities you didn’t do at primary school. It is an exciting time if you are ready to get sporty!
This guide is about how you can make the most of the fun opportunities outside the classroom. It does not matter how much sight you have or how good you are at sports. With the right support you can get your game on!
We all know that sports and exercise is supposed to be good for you, but did you know that it can give you even more than just fitness?
Here are some great reasons why you should give sport a go:
“Living with severe visual impairment, I know the profound impact sports can have on mental health, physical wellbeing, and community” – Tom, Young Voices Volunteer (Breaking barriers in sport: A Young Voices project).
P.E. classes are a safe space to try out new activities and your favourite hobbies with the help of the professionals supporting you.
Your school will already be thinking about how to make sports accessible. We have a few ideas you can use to decide what you need to get involved.
There is a whole world of accessible sports equipment for blind and partially sighted people. Here are a few examples:
To find this kind of equipment, ask the professionals supporting you to check out RNIB, and Goalfix shops online. You can also use this equipment with friends outside the classroom so share this with your family!
You will know best what you can and cannot see so talk with the professionals supporting you about what they should do to get you involved.
The professionals supporting you can put reasonable adjustments in place. Reasonable adjustments are the steps a P.E. teacher, or school club can take to make sports accessible to you. Here are some examples:
All sports and activities will have specific ways to make them accessible. If there is a specific sport you would like more information on, check out British Blind Sport’s A-Z of sport or get in touch with our Student Support Service.
There are many resources available online through organisations such as Thomas Pocklington Trust (TPT), British Blind Sport, Activity Alliance, and UK Coaching, for teachers and the professionals supporting you on how to make sports accessible. These take the form of online guides, factsheets, activity cards, toolkits, e-learning courses and more.
V I (Visual impairment) sports are sports made for blind and partially sighted people to play. They can be sports everyone knows like football, tennis or running but with adaptions or accessible equipment. They can also be sports specifically designed for blind and partially sighted people like Goalball or Showdown.
Our Young Voices volunteers tell us that V I sports outside of school helped them enjoy playing sports.
“I went to mainstream college and studied sports. At college, my tutors brought in Goalball to lessons. They brought it in within the mainstream sector as a result of my interest and involvement with the sport outside of college which was cool” – Alex, Young Voices volunteer.
“I started swimming in school, and I had a teacher who really encouraged me to pursue it outside of school as they thought I showed potential and was talented so they really supported me. As a result, I joined my local swimming club who were able to support my VI needs as a swimmer” – Selvi, Young Voices volunteer.
The easiest way to start your own V I sports journey is by joining a local group or team. Use British Blind Sport and RNIB’s, See Sport Differently online quiz to match you with your different sport options. You can then find a local group or team using British Blind Sport’s Activity finder and or Everybody Moves’ Activities Finder.
If you enjoy a V I sport and feel confident enough, speak with the professionals supporting you at school about introducing the sport at school and making the non-V I sports more accessible using the tips we have given you in this guide. For example, Goalball UK’s National Schools Programme has guidance for professionals on how to introduce goalball at a school level into classes. Check it out!
Sighted people can join in with V I sports too so there’s fun for everyone!
Sports at Secondary school can feel like a big jump, but you aren’t alone. Share this guide with your teachers and support staff. Working together you can find a way to make the most of sports at school.
Our Student Support Service is here to support blind and partially sighted students aged 11+ to get the most out of their secondary, college and university education.
If you have any questions about accessing sports at school, please reach out to us by visiting our Student Support Service homepage.
British Blind Sport aim to ensure that sport and leisure facilities are accessible to every blind or partially sighted person in the UK. If you would like to learn more about V I and accessible sports visit British Blind Sport’s website or contact them using the form on their website.
Check out RNIB’s See Sport Differently Campaign to hear stories from other blind and partially sighted people getting sporty, and find examples of home workouts, and other accessible activities.
The Breaking Barriers in Sport Young Voices group have joined forces with Goalball UK’s Youth Forum to create a two-page digital or printable handy guide for any P.E. teachers or Sports Staff who work with blind and partially sighted (BPS) students at secondary school or college.
Their aim is to ensure all BPS students have equal access to physical activity at school, so they came up with eight top tips based on their experiences. We’ve also included some additional links if you wanted to find out more information such as a whole scheme of work and lesson plans for teaching Goalball, links to VI-specific equipment and even more tips and tricks for making your lessons as inclusive and accessible as possible!
Read our guide to making new friends and meeting new people at secondary school, with top tips from our Young Voices volunteers.
Find out more about 'Making Friends and Meeting New People at School'Learn all about our Young Voices Breaking Barriers in Sport campaign and how you can get involved to make a difference for blind and partially sighted people in sport.
Find out more about 'Breaking Barriers in Sport: A Young Voices Project'Find out how you can get involved in sports at university and how they can be made accessible for blind and partially sighted students!
Find out more about 'Getting Involved in Sports'Explore our series of advice and guidance to support blind and partially sighted young people through their studies at secondary school.
Find out more about 'Secondary School'