College Accessibility Regulations Compliance Map

As part of All Able’s research into the accessibility of further education, the Accessibility Statements of 513 further education colleges in the UK were audited. They were graded either as: compliant, good, partial, poor or no statement. Find out more about how accessibility statement grading works. These results were published in November 2022.

Further education colleges can use the tool below to see how they performed in the accessibility regulations compliancy tests. They can also look at statements graded as compliant as a comparison.

The tool can also be accessed on All Able’s website.

Please note that some colleges may have updated their statements since the publication of this tool.

Description of the map image

The image depicts the locations and the grading of how the colleges performed in our tests plotted on a map of the United Kingdom. The map shows the following breakdown of how compliant the colleges were in terms of meeting the accessibility regulations:

  • No statement: 195.
  • Poor Attempt: 160.
  • Partial Attempt: 55.
  • Good Attempt: 57.
  • Compliant Statement: 46.

What are the accessibility regulations?

All public sector providers are legally required to have an accessibility statement on their website. The statement should set out how accessible their websites are, what they are doing to make it accessible and provide a route for any complaints or issues to be raised.

Having a website which is accessible for blind and partially sighted users is vital as it allows prospective and current students to access important information about the college and indicates the college realises the importance of accessibility.

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