Student Transitions
Discover our programme of events to support your transitions through education as a blind or partially sighted student, the topics of these sessions, and how to register.
Find out more about 'Student Transitions'Callum Russell completed his degree in Modern Foreign Languages (French, Italian and Spanish) in 2014. His natural strength in languages guided him towards a degree at the University of Birmingham. This came with the fantastic opportunity to study each language with equal academic weighting in the respective locations abroad.
Straight after his degree, Callum took a gap year and backpacked in South America for seven weeks. He positively attributes his ability to complete a Masters in European Political and Administrative Studies at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, to the confidence he gained from travelling.
“It’s important to always keep life in perspective. As a blind person, if I could go backpacking solo for seven weeks then I can do anything!”
These incredible experiences bring Callum to his role as the Employment and Community Fundraiser Officer for Sight for Surrey. In this role, he helped to run its employment support programme and regularly assisted corporate community fundraising activities, and most recently as Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Officer at Surrey Police.
Blind since birth due to his eye condition, Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis, Callum, now 28, shares his journey through university, the challenges of studying abroad and the transition from university into employment.
The DSA process was straightforward for Callum. He said: “I found the DSA process pretty good. In terms of the assessment I thought it went really well. The assessor was thorough and asked loads of questions to make sure I got what I was asking for. I did end up with the wrong equipment but that wasn’t the fault of the assessor that was my own fault for mistakenly wanting to use a MacBook but realising quickly that it wasn’t suitable for me and my course. I still managed to sort everything out though!”
Callum highlighted the importance of course choice in balance with exploring the support which may be available. He explained: “I think there’s a real tendency within the sector to say to students, ‘you need to think about the kind of support you’re going to get at university and you need to choose the university based on this alone’. I think a student could have the most fantastic support package in the world, but if they are on the wrong course, it’s no good. So, my biggest piece of advice is, try and make your decision based on the course first and focus on the additional support later.”
Callum advises: “Make sure you engage with your Disability Support Service at your perspective university at an early stage – as early as possible to ensure you really have everything you need when you start. It really helped me. For example with my year abroad, the university paid for and released a staff member to come with me and visit each host university that I was going to go to so we could get a feel for the place and how the university could support me.”
Callum encourages others to really think about their learning needs and the importance of self-advocating. He said: “I quickly realised the importance of taking responsibility for my learning and needs whilst studying. I had to personally understand my support needs and learn how to explain those needs in a succinct way to the Teaching Assistants or Qualified Teachers of Visual Impairment (QTVI’s).
“Due to the nature of my course it was a challenge getting the support in place to study abroad as you are dealing with different countries and their legal systems as well as different cultures. But even though it was a challenge at first, I recognised the importance of speaking with all lecturers, including the ones abroad, regularly and building a positive relationship with them, so I had a better chance of getting what I wanted from my course.”
For students returning, Callum says to be mindful of accommodation. He explains: “When I was studying across three different countries, I didn’t have much time to organise my living arrangements back at university. One of the important things was to make sure I went back into university halls, so I didn’t have to re-do all the mobility training again.”
After a ‘rollercoaster start’ to life, an internship at Sight for Surrey gave Callum a new path into employment. Despite early challenges in his internship, Callum highlighted: “I think my interpersonal skills grew to a more significant level. One thing I have really learnt within employment is the credit you earn when you are able to deal with an adverse moment in a positive way.”
Callum reflected on his travelling experiences and how this helped him to be adaptable in challenging situations and overcome moments of adversity. He adds: “My experiences have taught me it’s important to always keep life in perspective. Throughout life and in employment there are always going to be highs and lows. As a blind person, if I could go backpacking solo for seven weeks then I can do anything!”
Callum’s corporate and community fundraising responsibilities at work requires travel to various schools, rotary clubs, and businesses. He has had support for this through Access to Work while using assistive technologies for day-to-day tasks. He said: “Access to Work has been fantastic. I have a support work driver who helps ensure I get from A to B but also assists me with parts of my job that I just simply can’t do.
“I use a Braille Note Touch Plus, which is an Android tablet with a Braille display which isn’t a perfect substitute for a laptop but it means I can complete 85% of my job using it and the other 15% involves my support worker – so it works great!”
Callum hopes to travel again once things have returned to normal, not only to visit but also to perform. He explains: “At the College of Europe, I was a part of a band. We try and play twice a year. We were due to perform in Paris in May so that one will be next! I would also love to go to Patagonia and revisit Buenos Aires again.”
Discover our programme of events to support your transitions through education as a blind or partially sighted student, the topics of these sessions, and how to register.
Find out more about 'Student Transitions'Find out everything you need to know about Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA), a grant which helps blind and partially sighted students get the right support at university.
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