The Accessible Information Standard (AIS)

On health information, we have made great strides withSight Loss Councilsto push for better compliance and understanding of the AIS.

It was introduced in 2016 by NHS England but many blind and partially sighted people still don’t receive readable appointment letters, or information about medication and treatments in accessible formats, even when they have requested them.

Our campaign on the AIS has included written and video guidance for professionals, support letters for people to send to NHS Trusts and a petition to give BPS people a voice.  These actions helped to force A review, which is due for publication later this year. But our work can’t stop here!

How You Can Help

A new standard is good news, but we do fear it will lack the teeth to enforce compliance. Add this page to your favourites to stay informed of how to help us spread the word. Campaign actions will be published here soon and you can find out about next steps by joining our campaigns mailing list below.

  • Professionals Hub for the AIS

    A man sat in a hospital corridor looking at his phoneThis features advice and guidance for NHS staff on how to apply the AIS with simple adjustments they can make to implement it. We also share tips on how to help patients with visual impairments specifically and provide links to further resources.

    Visit the hub

Health and Fitness

Blind and partially sighted people face numerous challenges in maintaining their health and well-being.

Find out more about 'Health and Fitness'

Accessible Home Testing

Find out more about our work around accessible at-home tests for blind and partially sighted people.

Find out more about 'Accessible Home Testing'
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